The number of news articles and studies on the benefits of spending intentional time in nature has exploded in recent years. Here is a brief selection of stories and evidence-based articles to explore.
News Articles
Time outdoors is essential for children’s physical and mental health - The Washington Post
What Is Forest Bathing and How Does it Benefit Mental and Physical Health? -
How Nature Affects Wellbeing in More Ways than You Think - Washington Post
5 Symptoms of Nature Deficit Disorder -
Resilience: Stories from Nature - Healing Forest
There's No WiFi in Nature but You'll Get a Stronger Connection -
A Dose of the Outdoors: Nature's Impact on Health | REI Co-op Journal
Take a Walk in the Woods. Doctor’s Orders. - The New York Times
Forest Bathing Melds Nature With Mindfulness To Improve Health : Shots - Health News : NPR
How Forest Bathing Can Help With Stress - The Atlantic
Call to the Wild: This Is Your Brain on Nature (
Take Two Hours of Pine Forest and Call Me in the Morning - Outside Online
Shinrin-yoku 101: Forest Bathing for Wellbeing | Travel Channel
What Is Forest Bathing? (
What's Dirty Wellness? I Visited Maryland's Wishing Star Farm to Find Out. (
Effects of Urban Forest Therapy Program on Depression Patients
How Nature Experiences Promote Awe and Other Positive Emotions
How Nature Positively Impacts the Mental Health of College-Aged Students
The Importance of Nature for Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
How Time in Nature can Improve our Mental Health and Sharpen our Cognition